Monthly First Aid Courses
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CDP are a Midlands based training provider where the owners are also trainers. For over 20 years we have delivered friendly, professional and flexible training for our customers most choosing us as their long term partner. All contact is direct with the owners or trainers, we will always know who you are when you call and how to help. Contact us for affordable training,qualifications and advice. ............. or just get in touch for a chat!
CDP Training is an independent family business so your contact is always direct with the owners who are also trainers, if you need advice or are a learner needing any help with your course. We will always know who you are when you call and how to help you.
Many customers prefer ‘on own premises’ delivery of their training to reduce both the cost of time away from their work and the travelling expense. CDP with the help of our 5 appointed trainers can travel to you nationwide.
Employers - Detailed records and a candidate database and there’s guaranteed direct contact with our trainers for advice whenever you need it. Guaranteed professional trainers as CDP are an accredited teacher / trainer qualification centre.
CIEH OfQual QCF Approved Qualifications
Trainer & Teacher Qualifications